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Morning and Evening Celebrations will be streamed live in the Chapel and Hall.  Join us from 10.45am for the Morning celebration and 6.45pm for the Evening Celebration.


ARENA MORNING - 11am-12.45pm


The Challenge to Change: Repent and Believe (Mt4:17 & Mk1:14-15)

When Ezekiel prophesied Israel’s restoration and return from exile, he spoke of a greater restoration to come, an inner renewal of heart and spirit that would exchange a “heart of stone” for a “heart of flesh” (Ezek 11:19). This promise of restoration and renewal focuses on core change, not just reforming behaviour and practice but transforming attitude and intent.

David Parker is Pastor Emeritus of Desert Vineyard. He’s dedicated his life to building communities of faith focused on the needs of those outside their doors, with hearts open to growth through teaching that makes the Bible relevant and revelatory in contemporary life.

What Can Stop Us?
In a rapidly changing world, what does the gospel of love look like?

Genelle Aldred is a communications professional and has worked as a broadcaster and newsreader for the BBC, ITV and ITN. Her book Communicate for Change will be published in the autumn.

IMPACT MORNING - 11am-12.45pm


Pastor Paul's  Lockdown Lessons

We will look together each day at Paul’s letter to the Philippians. In that ancient letter there are so many truths for us to learn for the season we are living in. The lessons come with authority, as they are from a pastor in lockdown.

Kenny Borthwick has been a Church of Scotland minister for 40 years and was team leader of New Wine Scotland. Health issues led to retirement from parish ministry. He is now second fiddle in various ministry settings. 

of faith focused on the needs of those outside their doors, with hearts open to growth through teaching that makes the Bible relevant and revelatory in contemporary life.

ARENA EVENING - 7-8.30pm


SOFA SESSION with Paula Stringer, CEO & John Kirkby, Founder of CAP
Christians Against Poverty (CAP) provides free debt help and local community groups across the UK.

Lessons From the Life of Joseph: God Has Made Me Fruitful in The Land of My Suffering

In these traumatising days, many of us have faced unimaginable difficulties. Joseph was no different. He experienced trauma, disappointment, and massive setbacks. What might God be saying to us about his redemptive powerful love? Amy believes the Lord wants to work powerfully among us and bring new fruitfulness in us.

Amy Orr-Ewing is an international author, speaker and theologian who addresses the deep questions of our day with meaningful answers found in the Christian faith. She is the author of Where is God in All the Suffering? and the bestselling Why Trust the Bible?



The Spirit and Our Scars: Following Christ Beyond the Crisis

We often notice the Holy Spirit in moments of victory but in the scriptures the Spirit also moves in mysterious ways in times of crisis. The Spirit raises Christ from the dead but leaves the scars on his body – what might this teach us about how we navigate forward beyond this pandemic as disciples of Jesus filled with this same Spirit?

Selina Stone teaches theology at St Mellitus College and has a background in community organising. She is passionate about equipping Christians to understand the holistic message of the gospel and to act prophetically in the world.


ARENA MORNING - 11am-12.45pm


The Process of Growth: Go and Learn (Mt 9:10-13)
There is nothing that requires less hardened toughness and more tender softness than recognizing you have been wrong when you were convinced you were right and acknowledging that you have much to learn when you thought you knew it all. Jesus’ charge to “go and learn what this means” is a continuing call and challenge to invest in the process of new heart growth.

David Parker is Pastor Emeritus of Desert Vineyard. He’s dedicated his life to building communities of faith focused on the needs of those outside their doors, with hearts open to growth through teaching that makes the Bible relevant and revelatory in contemporary life.

The Call of Christ
Exploring the importance and absolute necessity to walk the narrow road and live as Jesus lived among us on earth 2,000 years ago. Following Christ and living as He lived for the sake of others who need to know Him will involve suffering, difficulty, and pain, but in the end, you will find it is all worth it.

Metropolitan KP Yohannan is the founder and director of GFA World, a Christian mission organization committed to seeing communities transformed. He is the Metropolitan of Believers Eastern Church and has more than 250 books published including Revolution in World Missions.

IMPACT MORNING - 11am-12.45pm


Pastor Paul's  Lockdown Lessons

We will look together each day at Paul’s letter to the Philippians. In that ancient letter there are so many truths for us to learn for the season we are living in. The lessons come with authority, as they are from a pastor in lockdown.

Kenny Borthwick has been a Church of Scotland minister for 40 years and was team leader of New Wine Scotland. Health issues led to retirement from parish ministry. He is now second fiddle in various ministry settings. 

of faith focused on the needs of those outside their doors, with hearts open to growth through teaching that makes the Bible relevant and revelatory in contemporary life.

ARENA EVENING - 7-8.30pm


SOFA SESSION with World Vision & Danielle Strickland

World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization helping children, families, and their communities overcome poverty and injustice.
Danielle Strickland is a justice advocate, spiritual leader, communicator, and author.

An Impossible Life

Being a people of the Kingdom means we are created for impossibilities. In this session, Katia looks at Jesus’ interactions with His disciples in the Gospel of Mark and invites us to live in the radical adventure of faith.

Katia Adams is a director of Frequentsee and leader of The Table Boston church plant. In addition to being a preacher, pastor, and international speaker, she is a medical doctor and author of Equal.



The Glorious Gift of Unity

Francis Chan has been a pastor for more than thirty years. His bestselling books include Crazy Love, Letters to the Church and Until Unity. Francis splits his time between ministry and church planting in Northern California and Asia.

BBQ after the Morning Celebration.  All Welcome!  
CLICK HERE to let us know if you would like to come.

ARENA MORNING - 11am-12.45pm


The Pursuit of Greatness: Become Great (Mk 10:42-45)
The desire to be first, to come out on top, to climb above others for position and power is a primal factor in the conflict between individuals and peoples that dominates human brokenness. Jesus confronted this determinative desire among His followers and called for their pursuit of greatness to be redirected into an ethic of servanthood. Only a soft heart can hear and respond to His call for the first to be last, and for the great to be the servant of all. Jesus lived and taught that we should inhabit and exercise our positions of influence and authority.

David Parker is Pastor Emeritus of Desert Vineyard. He’s dedicated his life to building communities of faith focused on the needs of those outside their doors, with hearts open to growth through teaching that makes the Bible relevant and revelatory in contemporary life.

Give me strength! The joy of weakness and the art of submission
We’re instructed to consider trials ‘pure joy’ as God’s ‘power is made perfect in weakness’, but this is easier said than done in the midst of a crisis. In this talk, recovering addict Lauren explores the hope we can draw from difficulties and the liberation that comes with complete submission to God.

Lauren Windle

IMPACT MORNING - 11am-12.45pm


Pastor Paul's  Lockdown Lessons

We will look together each day at Paul’s letter to the Philippians. In that ancient letter there are so many truths for us to learn for the season we are living in. The lessons come with authority, as they are from a pastor in lockdown.

Kenny Borthwick has been a Church of Scotland minister for 40 years and was team leader of New Wine Scotland. Health issues led to retirement from parish ministry. He is now second fiddle in various ministry settings. 

of faith focused on the needs of those outside their doors, with hearts open to growth through teaching that makes the Bible relevant and revelatory in contemporary life.

ARENA EVENING - 7-8.30pm


SOFA SESSION with Veena O’Sullivan, Tearfund

Veena O’Sullivan, International Director for Tearfund – a Christian charity that partners with churches in more than 50 of the world’s poorest countries.

Outside the City Walls

Sebastian will share his testimony of leaving crime and drugs behind him and reflect on the accounts of Jesus healing a man with leprosy and restoring a demon-possessed man in the Gospel of Mark.

Sebastian Stakset is a former gangster rapper and criminal who found mercy at the feet of Jesus. In 2018, he founded the organisation Heart of Evangelism which seeks to help those who cannot help themselves.




The Gospel Conduct

Those of us who know the truth of the gospel are called to share this good news and the love of Jesus to everyone around us. In this teaching session, we will be looking at Paul’s instructions in 2 Timothy 2:1-7 to carry out this call with focus, integrity, hard work and joy.

Sammy Jabangwe works for the Message Trust as an evangelist in one of their mission teams, SoulBox. She travels around the UK telling young people about Jesus.


ARENA MORNING - 11am-12.45pm


The Limits of Love: Love Your Enemies (Lk 6:27-31; Mt 5:43-48)
Is this not the hardest of all of Jesus’ commands, to “love your enemies”? As if learning to love – God with all we are, and our neighbours as ourselves – didn’t already stretch us to the breaking point. But then Jesus moves the limits we want to place around love to the farthest reaches of our faith. Every bit of the hardness in us refuses and resists the idea of extending love to those who hate us and seek our harm. We want to do to them as they do to us, not as we would have them do. Jesus’ radical redefinition of the scope of love demands a new heart, a heart of flesh purged of hardness.

David Parker is Pastor Emeritus of Desert Vineyard. He’s dedicated his life to building communities of faith focused on the needs of those outside their doors, with hearts open to growth through teaching that makes the Bible relevant and revelatory in contemporary life.

Only God Makes Individuals (and They’re Powerful)
Jesus says that to be healthy and influential, we must be in the world but not of it. He worked very hard at this himself and provides a wonderfully practical model for how to do it in intense times. Only God makes actual individuals – free from the world, and therefore powerful in the Spirit, for the sake of a hurting and fearful planet.

Dr Jordan Seng is the lead pastor of Bluewater Mission, a creative, justice-oriented church in Honolulu. He is the author of Miracle Work: A Down-to-Earth-Guide to Supernatural Ministries, and the forthcoming Life of Try.

IMPACT MORNING - 11am-12.45pm


Pastor Paul's  Lockdown Lessons

We will look together each day at Paul’s letter to the Philippians. In that ancient letter there are so many truths for us to learn for the season we are living in. The lessons come with authority, as they are from a pastor in lockdown.

Kenny Borthwick has been a Church of Scotland minister for 40 years and was team leader of New Wine Scotland. Health issues led to retirement from parish ministry. He is now second fiddle in various ministry settings. 

of faith focused on the needs of those outside their doors, with hearts open to growth through teaching that makes the Bible relevant and revelatory in contemporary life.

ARENA EVENING - 7-8.30pm


Paul Harcourt and Nigel Langford, Director of Mission at Bible Society, will talk about re-imagining mission in a post-Covid landscape.

Bible Society is a charity working in over 200 countries on a global mission to bring the Bible to life for every man, woman, and child.

The Power of Determined Hope

Right now, we are more tuned in than ever to the groaning of creation all around us. Yet we, as children of God, know what hope is in Christ. Join IJM’s Anu – a phenomenal leader in the anti-slavery movement – as she calls the Church to determined hope in our current time.

Anu George helps to lead International Justice Mission. A lawyer by training, she led teams in South Asia to rescue more than 10,000 individuals from forced labour slavery, overseeing training 17,000 police, government officials, and NGOs in rescue and rehabilitation.



The Journey of Transformation 

Vicky Lloyd comes from a broken family and at a young age, her life spiralled into a 10-year journey of drugs, addiction, and crime, until she was introduced to Jesus by a nurse as she lay in a hospital bed. Vicky and her husband Paul are senior pastors of Victory Outreach Manchester and have planted churches throughout Europe.


ARENA MORNING - 11am-12.45pm


The Trouble with Tomorrow: Do Not Worry (Mt 6:25-34)
For almost 18 months now, our world has experienced an intense season of pandemic loss, political upheaval, social trauma, economic hardship, physical isolation, and spiritual disconnection. Awareness of mental health challenges and struggles with anxiety and depression have reached unprecedented heights. Confidence in the future has descended to historic lows. From a similar context of threat and uncertainty in the 1st century world, Jesus challenged His disciples to engage daily in a battle with worry and fear by cultivating essential spiritual convictions.

David Parker is Pastor Emeritus of Desert Vineyard. He’s dedicated his life to building communities of faith focused on the needs of those outside their doors, with hearts open to growth through teaching that makes the Bible relevant and revelatory in contemporary life

Open My Eyes
What are we currently not seeing that God wants to show us? How we see, affects how we serve, changes how we pray and impacts how we live and give.

Rich Wilson is movement leader of Fusion that helps students find hope in Jesus and home in the local church. He is author of A Call Less Ordinary.

IMPACT MORNING - 11am-12.45pm


Pastor Paul's  Lockdown Lessons

We will look together each day at Paul’s letter to the Philippians. In that ancient letter there are so many truths for us to learn for the season we are living in. The lessons come with authority, as they are from a pastor in lockdown.

Kenny Borthwick has been a Church of Scotland minister for 40 years and was team leader of New Wine Scotland. Health issues led to retirement from parish ministry. He is now second fiddle in various ministry settings. 

of faith focused on the needs of those outside their doors, with hearts open to growth through teaching that makes the Bible relevant and revelatory in contemporary life.

ARENA EVENING - 7-8.30pm


SAT-7 is a Christian satellite television and digital media broadcaster serving the people of 25 countries in the Middle East and North Africa.


Agu Irukwu is Senior Pastor of Jesus House for All Nations London. He is a key member of the One People Commission of the Evangelical Alliance. He is one of the Presidents of Churches Together in England (CTE) representing the Pentecostal churches in England. He co-founded a children’s charity with his wife, Sola, called Bright Futures for African Children.



Amy Woodfield works as a Drama Therapist with children & teenagers who have experienced early life trauma. She is passionate about whole life transformation & has spent 20 years living in deprived areas of Greater Manchester.

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