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Sunday Services at Speen Church

Services on a Sunday offer a warm welcome to all. Bring the whole family!

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Service Time
10.30 - 12pm

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01494 488753

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Where little ones meet
Tuesdays 9:30-11:30am

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Life of the Church | The Visual Diary

Scroll down to see what's been happening recently

MARCH |  Easter at Speen

We enjoyed activities with all ages as we remembered the final days of Jesus' life leading up to Good Friday and celebrated the joy and power of His resurrection from the dead on Easter Day!

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead." 1 Peter 1:3.

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Easter Day - Christ has Risen indeed!


Good Friday Walk of witness around the Village.

Maundy Thursday - fellowship supper and communion. 

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Tiddlers and Toddlers Easter egg hunt in the Easter Garden. 

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The Easter Garden tells the Easter Story as we journey from Palm Sunday to the Cross and finally explore the empty tomb to discover that Christ has defeated death once and for all!

Click on the pictures to listen to "At the foot of the Cross" sung by Kathryn Scott

DECEMBER |  Christmas Activities 

Tiddlers and Toddlers celebrated a "Happy Birthday Jesus Christmas Party" with party games, Christmas snacks, Nativity Story, craft and toys!

Time Out Ladies invited friends to a Christmas craft morning with delicious cakes and coffee and a Christmas reflection. 

Speen School Reception had fun making their own Christingles. 

'Christingle' means 'Christ Child' and originates from the Moravian Church. A symbol of Christianity, they are made from an orange decorated with red tape, sweets or dried fruit and a candle.

Each of these different elements has a special meaning:

  • The orange symbolises the world.

  • The red ribbon shows God's love for the world and the blood of Jesus.

  • The sweets/dried fruit represent God's creations.

  • The four cocktail sticks can represent either the four seasons or the four corners of the world.

  • The candle represents Jesus being the light of the world, bringing hope to those in darkness.

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DECEMBER |  Advent

The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death, a light has dawned (Isaiah 9:2).

Advent is a season of waiting. It is the season of waiting and looking forward to celebrating the arrival of God Himself in human flesh – Jesus the Light of the World.  Let us make this Advent our invitation to make much of Jesus in our own hearts, in our homes, with our church, amongst our family and friends and in our world.


NOVEMBER  |  Remembrance Sunday

Air Cdre Paul Oborn led our Service of Remembrance as we remembered all those who had lost their lives in service to their country in past and recent conflicts.  We were joined at our Service of Remembrance by the guides, brownies and Cllr Roger Craft  who laid wreaths at the lychgate Village War Memorial. 

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"All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord and all the families of the nation shall worship before You, for Kingship belongs to the Lord and He rules over the nations." Psalm 22:27–28 

We enjoyed a special time of celebration and fellowship at a service to celebrate the Nations and our rich diverse church family.  Representatives from Ukraine, Brazil, Ireland, Scotland, India, Ethiopia, New Zealand and England shared prayers for their country and a delicious variety of food! 



This Harvest Festival we celebrated with thanksgiving the Lord's bountiful provision with donations to bless local families in need through One Can Trust.

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We were delighted to welcome Lis Nicholas, TLG Regional Volunteer Leader and her husband Gary to a special service launching our TLG Early Intervention Partnership with St John's School Lacey Green. Lis shared how the TLG Early Intervention programme brings hope and a future to children and their families by providing one-to-one coaching support in school to those who are struggling to cope with school life. 

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We gave thanks for the gift of marriage as we celebrated Jean and Allan's Diamond Wedding Anniversary followed by a fellowship lunch after the Sunday service. 


At the Village Breakfast on Saturday, Gary Grant founder and CEO of The Entertainer group of toy shops shared his remarkable story from opening his first toy shop in Amersham to becoming one of the top 4 toy retailers in the UK and the impact that being a Christian has had on his life, his family and his business.

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There is much to be thankful for as we look back at all the Lord has done through LIFT (Life in Full Trust), the charity set up by members of Speen Church to support Moira and team in South Gonder, Ethiopia, bringing transformation and hope to 100s of the most vulnerable families living in poverty. We look forward to all that the Lord will do in the future as the project continues under Beza International.  "I have come that they may have life, and life to the full". John10:10

Moira with fellow Trustees of LIFT



The hotly contested annual croquet tournament fuelled by Risborough's finest fish'n chips was won by Rich, Paul and Tim.  The ladies also enjoyed a wonderful evening hosted by Rosi but everyone was having so much fun that no one remembered to take any photos!



Five days of fun, fellowship and wonderful Holy Spirit inspired worship and teaching at the New Wine conference in Kent. Some camped, some stayed in an Airbnb and others came for the day - we are looking forward to next year at Shepton Mallet. How about joining us!


Our Speen Church team once again hosted the popular BBQ at the annual Speen Fete serving the community with fabulous burgers (with delicious trimmings) and sausages - it was hot and busy but a great afternoon's fun!

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We enjoyed fellowship and a time of refection with communion at our Passover Supper on Maundy Thursday. On Good Friday we met for a family friendly walk followed by hot cross buns and the opportunity for creative prayer in the Chapel. 

Our Easter Day celebration started with an outdoor service of praise and worship as we were invited to "Come, See, Go and Tell" the good news just as the angel told Mary at the empty tomb:

The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified.  He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.’   Matt 28:5-7 


We were delighted to welcome Speen School to the Chapel where they explored the story of Easter in the Garden and made some beautiful stained glass window decorations in Chapel Hall.

Toddlers and Tiddlers enjoyed an Easter egg hunt in the Chapel and received a storybook about Easter.


The Easter Garden in Speen Churchyard told the story of the first Easter from Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, his betrayal by a close friend, the Last Supper with his disciples, his death on the cross dying for the sins of the world and his victorious resurrection from the grave giving us the promise of eternal life! 

Preparing the Easter Garden


On the anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Speen Chapel was open for quiet reflection and prayer for an end to the conflict and pasesPlease click HERE for a guide How to pray for Ukraine.


Our prayers are with the people of Syria and Turkey after the devastating effects of the recent earthquake on a region of the world already affected by war and poverty.  In addition we held a Pop-Up Soup Lunch to demonstrate the love of Jesus for those impacted by the earthquake.  Over £1090 was raised - thank you to everyone who took part.

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OCTOBER  |  Talent Night

Friends gathered together to enjoy an evening of fun and entertainment which included singing, music, comedy and readings rounded off by a fearsome performance of the Haka! 

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MARCH  |  Mother's Day Celebration 

Our Mother’s Day celebration on Sunday was a special time and we were delighted to welcome children from toddlers and Speen School - delicious pastries and other goodies were served to our guests by a great team of dads!

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OCTOBER  |  Transforming Lives for Good

Thirteen ladies enjoyed a sumptuous cream tea on Thursday as they joined TLG’s online celebration of their work with struggling children and their families in the UK.  With matched giving from the church and gift aid a total of £675 was raised for this incredible charity. Click HERE to find out more about TLG.

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SEPTEMBER  |  Speen Festival 2021

It has been a joy and a delight to be part of Speen Festival once again as a venue for friends, neighbours and visitors to the community to meet to enjoy a varied programme celebrating the very best artistic and creative talent from Speen and the surrounding areas.  To find out more click HERE 

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The Power of Faith  | 

A short video to encourage and uplift - may it bless you.

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Toddlers and Toddlers | 

Carers and Tots enjoy fun together on Tuesdays in Chapel Hall.

Communion  | Shared on the first Sunday of the month

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