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Policy Statement on Children Young People and the Church


This statement was agreed at the Church meeting held on 21st September 2017.


It will be read annually at the Annual Meeting where progress in carrying it out will be monitored.


As members of Speen Baptist Church our ethos is inclusivity and the welcoming of all:


  • we are committed to welcome, respect and value each child as a precious gift from God.


  • we aim to provide an environment where each child can develop and grow spiritually in a safe and loving atmosphere.


  • we recognise the valuable contribution children can make to the Church and resolve to listen to them.


  • our goal is to communicate the gospel, as stated in the Bible, in such a way as to nurture and encourage faith in Christ Jesus.


  • we recognise that our work with children and young people is the responsibility of the whole Church in maintaining an environment where they feel safe, cared for and accepted.  


  • it is the responsibility of each one of us toprevent the physical, sexual and emotional abuse of children and young people, and to report any abuse discovered or suspected to the Designated Person for Safeguarding or the Safeguarding Deacon.


  • the Church is committed to supporting, resourcing, and training those who work with children and young people, and to providing supervision.


  • the Church is committed to following current legislation and adopts the guidelines and procedures published by the Baptist Union of Great Britain in its booklet Safe to Grow.


  • each worker with children and young people must know the recommendations, and undertakes to observe them.  Each shall be given a copy of the church’s agreed procedures and Good Practice guidelines.


Designated Person for Safeguarding  

Stephen Booth

Tel. 01844 346527                                                                                                                  


Safeguarding Deacon

Jenny Pearce

Tel. 01494 562333

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