6th December | 2020
Preparing for Christmas 2 | Rev. Tim Deller
6th December | 2020
Preparing for Christmas 2 | Rev. Tim Deller

Join us for a delicious two course supper and inspiring talk with guest speakers Dawn and Malcolm Hazell.
Tickets £10 - Book your place on this LINK
Getting older is a process which can bring up a lot of emotions for couples, individuals and for loved ones....but aging doesn’t have to represent decline. After all, your “golden years” are so named for a reason: your fifties-sixties-seventies and beyond should represent the best years of your life!
Dawn & Malcolm Hazell will share that making the most of life isn’t just about living longer... It’s about aging well.​
About the speakers​
Dawn is an accredited counsellor with a background in nursing and midwifery. She has experience working with adults and young people dealing with a range of issues including: trauma depression, anxiety, health issues and bereavement. As a mentor at Bucks New Uni she worked with students who struggle with mental health issues. She is trained to work with individuals or couples and spent three years as a volunteer with the local hospice offering support to carers, cancer sufferers and the bereaved.
Malcolm is a retired Baptist Minister with a background in professional education. ​