6th December | 2020
Preparing for Christmas 2 | Rev. Tim Deller
6th December | 2020
Preparing for Christmas 2 | Rev. Tim Deller
Social Action
Speen Church is actively involved with a number of important projects, locally and internationally, helping to make a real difference to the lives of those in need.

A team participates in the work of Wycombe Homeless Connection, providing support and care for the homeless of the town. Including regular staffing of the Night Shelter and participation in the mentoring programme, helping vulnerable people to reintegrate and adapt to changing circumstances.
The church helps meet the practical needs of residents of Saunderton Lodge, a local refuge for individuals and young families who are temporarily without accommodation or basic provisions.
Support for One Can Trust. The Trust has been formed to facilitate a number of community based projects, such as the One Can Foodbank established to provide people “in crisis” with a short-term free emergency food supply of non-perishable items such as soup, pasta, rice, baked beans, biscuits, cereals etc. Each food parcel provides enough nutritious basic ingredients, together with menu cards, to create a range of meals.
Street Angels meets and supports those out and about (and possibly worse for wear) in the town late on Saturday night
The Church is actively involved in Lighthouse: the annual children's holiday club in Princes Risborough.

In Hyderabad, India, support for the charity Agape Alive In India.